FLASHBACK: 3 Dead Attorneys In 2 Weeks In Debbie Wasserman Shultz's Florida District

FLASHBACK: 3 Dead Attorneys In 2 Weeks In Debbie Wasserman Shultz's Florida District (commonsenseevaluation.com)

 by gaggs to politics (+23|-1)


3 Dead Attorneys In 2 Weeks In Debbie Wasserman Shultz's Florida District

How is this woman still holding public offices? Or giving speeches? Or going on TV? She was literally caught red handed rigging a primary for her preferred candidate. Wouldn’t a normal person be hiding in shame?

At around 4:00 he talks about the 3rd dead lawyer, which is the federal prosecutor who was working on the DNC fraud case. He also said that prosecutor was working on passports and “all kinds of weird things like that..that seem semi-linked to the DNC fraud”. I wonder if the “weird things” could be “green cards” (as in ‘look at the cards’) and could tie in with this?

NY Times: 2009 Emails Reveal Intersection of Clinton Family Interests

Interesting tidbit from this article about another Clinton contact:

“A cache of emails that the State Department released to the activist group Citizens United, for example, showed an invitation to Mr. Clinton to speak at a United States-China energy summit meeting in 2012 organized by Luca International Group, which was later fined $68 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission for defrauding investors.”

So who runs Luca International Group? Ms. Bing Qing Yang

“Ms. Yang is an entrepreneur with tremendous experience in the oil and gas exploration and production industry in USA. In 2005, Ms Yang founded Luca International Group LLC, focus on the oil and gas development in the Gulf Mexico Region. Ms. Yang is specializing project management, property acquisitions, and strategic planning in the upstream of oil industry. In addition, she has successfully started an EB5 regional center with the potential of families allowing them to acquire their green cards.” ( could this be the “card” connection?)

What charges are against her?

“As alleged in our complaint, Yang falsely claimed that Luca International was a profitable oil and gas drilling operation when it was really a Ponzi-like scheme preying on Chinese-Americans and EB-5 investors who lost millions of dollars while Yang lined her pockets,” said Jina L. Choi, Director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office.
SEC Charges Oil Company and CEO in Scheme Targeting Chinese-Americans and EB-5 Investors

What are EB 5 investors?

The Immigrant Investor Program, also known as “EB-5,” was created by Congress in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by immigrant investors by creating a new commercial enterprise or investing in a troubled business. There are 10,000 EB-5 immigrant visas available annually.

DHS: What is the EB-5 program?


 10 Responses to “3 Dead Attorneys In 2 Weeks In Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s Florida District”

  1. The US Attorney was not working on a case against the DNC.

  2. Federal Prosecutor Brandon (Beranton) Whisenant’s body was found May 24 on Hollywood Beach, Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s District.

    Jun 9, 2017 – Miami civil lawyer Ervin Gonzalez was found dead June 8 inside his Coral Gables home.

  3. Why aren’t these 3 women and children in jail? Why are they still running your country or think they are running your country?

    They have broken some VERY serious laws and committed HIGH TREASON and BETRAYAL fully worthy of the firing squad or hanging. Some of this, they say, as even led to MURDER!

    And those responsible of protecting this country from such people, but DO NOTHING, are equally as guilty.

    • The top rung of world finance, and many of its subordinates (City of London, Vatican, the banking district in Switzerland have their own charter/constitution, where it quite literally says they are immune from EVERYTHING, they have a private army, and they fund many things aimed at researching and implementing social and individual moral degration, Tavistocks research has certainly been applied to the Kardashians, Jersey?geordie shore, its been applied to John Oliver , Colbert, those programs have a specific timing and formula which has created narrow minded cynics of most who watch. These people have been fighting since the Roman Empire, prolly before to subvert and gain control once and for all. They are close now.

  4. Fool lawyers better be sportin’.

  5. […] reports: So who runs Luca International Group? Ms. Bing Qing […]

  6. […] Previously: 3 Dead Attorneys In 2 Weeks In Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s Florida District […]

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